Training & Development

Providing continual learning opportunities for all our employees is an important aspect of our employee retention policy. We aim to give all our employees regular training and opportunities for professional development and personal growth.

The majority of our employees work in or near our parking facilities as Parking Hosts. Our social relevance for operational employees is considerable. Together with the retail and cleaning sectors, we are committed to helping people who prefer practical work.

Each country has developed, or has plans to develop, e-learning programmes for employees so training can be followed at any location and at the employee's own pace. Training opportunities available in all countries include job related and first aid training.

The multi-year Cybersecurity Awareness Programme we previously rolled out is still ongoing. This is based on the Q-Park Information Security Governance Framework and is designed to raise awareness of digital security issues among all employees. The online training consists of several modules and relevant topics such as smartphone risks, identity fraud, social media and internet use.


In 2022, as in the previous year, we were able to provide more training hours for our employees than in the prevoius year, when coronavirus pandemic restrictions were imposed. We were able to provide in-person training and e-learning courses to 93% (2022: 92%) of all our employees.

Chart 13 Average annual training hours per employee

Chart 14 Employees receiving regular training